Signs Your Kid Needs a Screen Time Break

tech break

We know that in some circumstances screen time can be good, it can also be extremely bad. As your child looks down at their screen, it can become difficult to decipher when they need a break from technology. However, there are definitely some sure signs that it is time to put the screens down and do something else. This line can be different for every kid, so it’s important to pay attention to the behavior and actions of your children to watch for these warning signs.

Quickly Frustrated or Angry

One of the biggest signs my kids need to step away from technology for a bit is when they become easily frustrated by a game they are playing, or start getting angry or snappy with other family members. Once we make them do some chores, step outside for a while, or do something else for a while, they typically calm down and return to their normal frustration or anger levels. The break doesn’t have to be long, but we usually tell them it’s time to put it away for the rest of the day.

Personality Adjustments

Sometimes just being a teen or tween can put kids through an emotional roller coaster. Most kids will get back to their standard personality at some point though. What you are really looking for here is a complete turn around in their personality. A once bubbly, happy girl may now want to be alone most of the time and become quiet. It can work the other way around too. Someone who is acting opposite of their personality may be trying to cover up deeper issues.

When you see a drastic adjustment in your child’s personality, it’s definitely time to dig deeper and find out if there is something on the screens that is causing the adjustment. It may not even be bullying or social media causing the adjustment. They could be dealing with some serious addictions on the other side of the screen.

Showing Signs of Addiction

When my kids are unusually glued to their devices, we usually implement a break of some sort. If they can’t move a muscle without their device next to them, or they refuse to hand it over at the end of the day, it’s definitely time for a break. When my daughter is showing signs of technology addiction, we usually take away her phone for a few days. At first, she is begging to just check her notifications to see if her friends were trying to contact her. Then after a day or two, she stops asking about it. It’s great to force these little breaks from time to time, even just to see how addicted they have actually become.

The bottom line is just to have frequent conversations with your kids, and plan time together that doesn’t include the use of technology occasionally. Your family will grow closer together, and everyone will have a healthier relationship with the technology in their lives… including you parents!


I am a mom who can fix your blog, your computer, or your server. I have been in the IT industry supporting small businesses for over 15 years. As a diehard PC and Android user, I can usually be found sparring with Apple fanboys, or watching movies with my family.

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