Boomerang includes Khan Academy’s web site link automatically in our onboarding steps. Khan Academy enables children of all ages to learn about various subjects via over 10,000 video and explanation tutorials with easy to follow animations. There are modules for different levels of learning and progress is tracked across various subjects such as Math, Science, Economics and more.
With the release of native apps on both Android and iOS devices, Khan Academy enables for an in-app experience on mobile devices. Mobile apps typical provide the best experience vs. its web counterpart so this is a welcome announcement. The Khan Academy app also allows for offline learning which wasn’t possible with the web-only version.
Now we’re interested in knowing if we could get Khan Academy’s attention to allow Boomerang to automatically install the Khan Academy app during onboarding 😉
The right kind of screen time is very important – it is better for kids to spend more time with educational apps such as Khan Academy than with time wasting addicting games.