Customer Stories: 911 my daughter is swimming in BRAIN ACID
Dad: Marc
That was my panicked impression after daddy’s little darling came to him in tears with a shocking web history, I won’t go into details but believe me it takes a lot to shock me, I’m a paramedic veteran that has seen, (as you can imagine), all levels of shocking.
Boomerang was my first choice; it seemed like a well rounded app that could champion a worried parent. We have all heard of some of the crap on the web and the oversight needs we should be applying to our kid’s electronic exposure.
Boomerang was a fast and quick bandage to an immediate problem. I got lucky and found in Boomerang a skilled multi tasking app that went way beyond my first needs, showing me an easy way to examine my child’s tablet use, how much of it, for what purpose and length of time, corralling its use when needed.
I just simply wanted to block unwanted exposure to dangerous content and dicovered an app that helped us have an easy comprehensive glimpse into our children’s use of their tablets, enabling us to take an active role as good guides. Also called parenting right?
It encouraged us to think more clearly on what constitutes important and intelligent use of these tablets, (I forgot to mention that my little princess is a triplet having two other siblings…I need all the help I can get. Thank you Boomerang and if you got this far reading me, pass the word around, help our kids develop a healthy use of their devices.
We are still learning new ways to use Boomerang, I’m away from home on duty every other week and mom takes over the oversight but I still get a fantastic glimps of how much study time and work being done on their device it helps me guide them back in the right direction with daily calls. I now have a much clearer understanding of how much time they spend on certain apps and have a tool to moderate this use.
Lastly, we have tried contacting Boomerang with question and where pleasantly surprised by how rapidly we would get feedback. Customer service as it should be. Polite and helpful, I bet they’re Canadians.
We have amazing users! Unsolicited stories such as the one below on the impact Boomerang has had in helping parents manage their family’s technology, we will share with the world and hopefully other parents can see the real world benefits of using a parental control app to keep an eye on things (we share these stories on our blog with permission)
-Justin, cofounder and product evangelist
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