Boomerang Parental Control is now available!

Boomerang Parental Control available on Google Play Boomerang Parental Control is available for Android devices. You may try it for free for 14 days now by clicking on the Google Play Store badge below. Follow the in-app steps …

Caring about screen time

Why should we care so much about Screen Time? Screen time is a term used more and more in today’s world when discussing the amount of time we spend in front of a glowing screen. Such a screen …

Technology use and my family

How we try to balance device time Our lives are typical in terms of how busy we’ve become as our kids grow up. I think this constant go-go-go that we’re on is somewhat created by us, the parents, …

Naming our product

A little about how we picked our name After what seemed like hundreds of name options, including even doing a poll with close friends and family, picking a product name for our upcoming parental control application came down …