Category: Tips

How to monitor iMessages for free now

We often get asked: “how do I monitor my child’s iMessages?” The answer today is that Boomerang Parental Control will not monitor your child’s iMessages but we want to share the following 7 steps on how you can do …

Tips to Make Sure Your Child Does Well in School

We all want our children to thrive in school. While pushing them to be class valedictorian is not on most parents’ minds, we certainly want our children to thrive educationally and be successful in life. When you instill …

Boomerang Parental Control vs. Google’s Fami...

Interested in trying out Boomerang Parental Control? If Google’s Family Link is already installed on your child’s Android device, here are a few tips and clarifications in order to have the best experience with Boomerang Parental Control. We also cover the differences …

Top 5 Things to Do When It’s Sunny Outside

The sun is shining outside, but the kids are parked on the couch watching television. There is no better time to get them outside and active. Here are the top 5 things to do when it’s sunny outside. …

How to Set Parental Controls on the Xbox One

Guest blog post by Gadget Review Many parents worry that their children are spending too much time playing video games and not enough time doing their homework or socially engaging, face to face, with family and peers. 4Kids tend …

Things To Do While Grounded From Your Phone

So, your parents took away your phone? It can be a tough time in a teen’s life. How are you going to keep up with your friends without your phone?? Besides that, you are going to be SO …

App Reviews For Parents: YouTube Kids

YouTube is a great place for kids to learn new things and find things that are just entertaining in general. Kids these days can spend hours on YouTube, often watching things that we parents just don’t understand the appeal …

Best way to filter and monitor YouTube now!

Here’s a step by step guide on how to apply our recommended YouTube monitoring approach with Boomerang Parental Control on Android child devices. Requirements Child device must be Android. Parent device can be Android or iOS. Latest YouTube …