I know – it’s just easier to keep your child glued to a glowing screen playing a game where they are not bothering you while you’re cooking dinner or watching TV. Been there, done that! Parents do need to consider the time spent on these devices and more importantly the content that is being consumed – not all content is equal! The reality is, most of the time spent on their device is spent watching streaming videos on YouTube, playing games or if they are of age, hanging out on social media/texting with friends. As parents, there are times that “it’s just easier” to give in to technology. We should realize that an iPod or smartphone is a full fledged computer with access to the whole world in the palm of your child’s hand. This is not the same as reading a book, playing with Legos or playing outside with friends – many more potentials for discovering things they are not mentally ready for.
A recent survey done by Galxyz Lab compiles parents’ opinions on using technology as a babysitter – some interesting results! Check out their findings in this infographic.
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