We have been amazed at the feedback we’ve received from our users of SPIN Safe Browser. Creating and marketing a browser that is safe for children is a challenge as there are not filters that are 100%. We have several emails a day from our users (most likely the parents of the children using SPIN) sharing sites they feel should be blocked or asking why they are blocked since they are safe – we review them all!
In some cases, these sites are not part of our “default” category set but are definitely not appropriate. So we’ve created a new category in our database named, Prone to Porn. This category is now enabled by default in SPIN (for those using it standalone) and for those using Boomerang alongside SPIN, we have added this category in our web dashboard for you to enable.
Parents looking to manage SPIN, need to download our parental control app, Boomerang
Sites like Tumblr and Twitter are known as social media sites but if you search them for inappropriate content such as pornography, you will come across an unfiltered set of results – not good for development brains!
These sites have been added to our Prone to Porn category. Think there are others we should block? We’ve made it easy to share sites with us – you can email us within the block message (as you see in this above screenshot) or send us feedback within the app and we’ll grab the site in question – Tap on the three dots (top right) > Settings > National Education Technologies SPIN > Give Feedback > and make sure the “Include last visited site” is checked.
Did you know?
We block millions of sites and our logs show that of all the default categories we block with SPIN (over 20), of the top 10 sites most often blocked, Pornography sites take up 7 of them! The other 3 are ads related.
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