Customer Stories: This app should be installed on all phones being used by kids
Mom: Lorraine
Boomerang, you make me sleep more soundly at night! 😀 I am quite the control-freak parenting type, so I have had countless days of worrying what my daughter was exposed to on the internet. From trying to limit her usage, to explaining what is good and what is not, to trying to let her play more Barbie’s! I just did not have peace of mind…. Until I met you 😀
I was sent this app by my sister who had by then tried and tested Boomerang to the full. She was ranting and raving so much about it, I had no choice but to try it out. And I am so glad that I did. This was actually my first attempt at such an app (I had no idea that these types of apps existed… from this it would probably be easy to judge my age hahahaha). The Boomerang app is easy to use or figure out, blocks sites etc. with wrong content with ease, manages screen time (may I just say that this feature is absolutely AWESOME!!!) and even warns me when sms’s are sent to my daughter’s phone from an unknown number. This app should be installed on all phones being used by kids, no questions asked.
And may I just say that their Technical Support is absolutely commendable. Answers to questions and solutions to problems are dealt with very professionally, quickly and easily. I actually thought (for a moment anyway) that I was dealing with someone in and from my home country, South Africa. Well done Boomerang! You tick all the right boxes 😀
We have amazing users! Unsolicited stories such as the one below on the impact Boomerang has had in helping parents manage their family’s technology, we will share with the world and hopefully other parents can see the real world benefits of using a parental control app to keep an eye on things (we share these stories on our blog with permission)
-Justin, cofounder and product evangelist
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