Customer Stories: From Sprint WeGo smartphones to Boomerang
Dad: Thomas
Our story starts with Sprint WeGo phones.
Most households that my (11)(12)(14) daughters babysit for do not have home phones. Sprint had these fantastic little phones that were single button call and text. We would program the contacts and had control over the incoming and out going calls and text Messages. This kept our daughters safe and focused on what they were doing while they were babysitting. Unfortunately Sprint did not have the support for their website to control the phones and soon they became obsolete and outdated.
We purchase phones that were buy 1 get 1 free and unfortunately they are smart phones. We allowed our daughters to have full access to their phones and found that it led to a lot of temptation and misuse of their privileges. And all privileges were revoked until we found a solution.
We have attempted a few apps and so far boomerang has met the vast majority of our families technology needs. 🙂
The battle is real and we are one weapon closer to a strong defense. Thank you!
We have amazing users! Unsolicited stories such as the one below on the impact Boomerang has had in helping parents manage their family’s technology, we will share with the world and hopefully other parents can see the real world benefits of using a parental control app to keep an eye on things (we share these stories on our blog with permission)
-Justin, cofounder and product evangelist
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