The sun is shining outside, but the kids are parked on the couch watching television. There is no better time to get them outside and active. Here are the top 5 things to do when it’s sunny outside.
Electric Scooter
Riding an electric scooter is an excellent way to get your children outside and active. It’s great for adults too. While a scooter does not take as much man-power as a bicycle, it is still a great way to get some exercise. Plus, you can travel greater distances on a scooter than you could on a bicycle.
Go for a Hike
Hiking is a fantastic excuse to get outside and explore nature. Whether you are hiking around a historic area in your hometown or on a mountain trail, there are always fun things to see and do. You can look for animal tracks to see what is living in that area, or identify different types of plants and trees. Why not download an app and go geocaching? What is geocaching? Geocaching is like a scavenger hunt using GPS technology. Many times there will be trinkets in the cache, once it is found. You can also leave something small behind for someone else to find. Most caches have a log inside so the owner knows how many times it has been found.
Paint and Search for Rocks
Painting and hiding rocks is one of the latest activities that parents and teachers are using to get children outside and exploring. There are even websites dedicated to different places that painted rocks may be hidden. On a sunny day, collect a couple of rocks and paint them any way you wish. Then go and hide them in a “sharing rock garden” or around town. If you happen to find one on your journey, you are typically encouraged to keep it and replace it with one of your own. If you use a website to find locations, the “rules” will be listed there for you.
Make Bird Feeders
Making and hanging homemade bird feeders can be very rewarding, especially when you start seeing birds eating from them. There are hundreds of different ways that you can make a bird feeder. You can make a simple one from a pinecone, peanut butter, and bird seed. If you want to make something more complex, you can make your own suet as well. To maximize your time in the sun, make a few different types of feeders and see what the birds like best. You may find that bird watching becomes a new hobby.
Find Shapes in the Clouds
Some of the best memories are made from laying in the grass and trying to find shapes in the clouds. Make it a competition to see who can find the most shapes or just watch the world transform and pass by. Either way, you will be outside and enjoying the sunshine.
Don’t waste a beautiful sunny day indoors. Save the television watching or video game playing for a rainy day. If the sun is shining, head outside and see what fun things you can see and find. The world can be a magical place if you just get outside and let yourself enjoy it.
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