
Tag: iOS

Preparing Your Kids to Reject Pornography

Sadly in the current world we live in, it is not a question about if your child will be exposed to pornography, it is when. According to the American Psychological Association “the average age of first exposure to …

Screen Time Infographic via MomLovesBest.com

Digital Wellness or Digital Health is now a trending term from both Apple and Google when it comes to keeping the balance with our mobile glowing screens of constant distractions. Terms like FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) are …

Opinion: How Apple’s Family page misses the ...

Disclaimer: I’m very passionate about this parental control space. So many moving parts, many opinions, approaches and competitors trying to get parent’s attention to educate them about these amazing features. I recently wrote my third email to Apple’s CEO, Tim …

How to monitor iMessages for free now

We often get asked: “how do I monitor my child’s iMessages?” The answer today is that Boomerang Parental Control will not monitor your child’s iMessages but we want to share the following 7 steps on how you can do …

Why do I need to monitor my kids’ smartphone?

There are many parents who refuse to get their children a smartphone. They think there are so many dangers lurking on the other side of the phone, that it is not worth the danger. The other side of …

How to Prevent Technology Addiction

Addiction is no longer just about drugs. There are many forms of addiction and many things that adults and children can become addicted to. From Diet Coke to prescription medication, and from shopping to leaving the thermostat at a …

Kids + Appropriate Screen Time = Better Sleep

“Tired kids are SO easy to deal with!” – said no parent ever. Which makes it so crazy to think of all the things we do that prevent kids from getting the proper sleep they so desperately need. …

Introducing Block Newly Installed Apps (and more!)

We are introducing the world’s first true proactive app blocking feature in Boomerang Parental Control. By blocking newly installed apps proactively and notifying parents to unblock them, we are encouraging a conversation led by parents with their children on the “whys” …