How to Set A Time Limit On A Gaming Console

I’m not sure if your kids are playing this little game called Fortnite, probably not, right? It’s not very popular. Except for the fact that it’s extremely popular and kids are spending hours playing it. I had a …

4 Ways To Give Your Internet a Bedtime

My Mom used to always say, “Nothing good happens after midnight.” As a teenager, I would roll my eyes to the back of my head, as teenagers do. Now that I’M the Mom, I can see the value …

Signs Your Kid Needs a Screen Time Break

We know that in some circumstances screen time can be good, it can also be extremely bad. As your child looks down at their screen, it can become difficult to decipher when they need a break from technology. …

Exploring the Outdoors With Technology

Summer is a great time to get outside and explore nature. Kids these days are content staying at home being glued to their screens. Often adults are lamenting the fact that kids just don’t play outside anymore. There …

Good Screen Time Does Exist

Screen time gets a bad reputation most of the time. Usually, that reputation is well deserved as many battle addiction to screens and the other dangers that lurk within them. However, there is such a thing as good screen time, …

Live Streaming Apps You Need To Be Concerned About

Live streaming really hit the social media landscape around earlier this decade when Periscope and Snapchat exploded in popularity. Since the entire thing is recorded and watched live, it is extremely difficult to filter content. This poses a …

3 Apps That Are Revealing Your Kid’s Locatio...

You have done all the right things. You have taught your children to never give out personal information online. You told them to be careful about who they talk to, and who has access to see their content. …

Prevent Kids From Installing Apps On iOS Phones

Unlike Android devices, iOS does not allow 3rd party apps to block the installation or use of newly installed apps. However, they do have some internal controls that can get you at least some protection. As we mentioned previously, …