Don’t You Trust Me? Explaining to Kids Why Y...

Many parents arrive at the parental control party a little bit late. Perhaps they gave their child a phone, not really understanding the dangers that could be associated with it, and decided after the fact that parental controls needed …

Could Your Kid Be Chatting With Strangers Online?

There are many stories of kids being kidnapped by someone they were chatting with online. One thing is common in these stories, the parents had no idea that interactions between their child and this stranger were even taking …

Helping Your Kids Use Appropriate Communication

Kids these days love to communicate with a mixture of abbreviations and emojis. However, this manner of speech is not appropriate for all settings, and it is very important that we teach children how to match their communication …

Understanding Game, App and Entertainment Ratings

There are so many tools available for parents to research the apps and games that kids want to watch and the movies and shows they want to view. However, many parents ignore these ratings completely or just don’t …

3 Places to Filter to Prevent Pornography From App...

First things first, I’m going to tell you something you probably don’t want to hear. There is no fool-proof way to ensure your child will never be exposed to pornography, even in your home. The fact is that just …

App Reviews for Parents: Fortnite

Unless your teenagers have been living under a rock, they might be playing, or want to play a game called Fortnite. Previously this game has only been available to play on a PC or Gaming console, but it …

Understanding Why Kids Like The Videos They Watch

Sometimes I feel like sitting in my rocker on my front porch to complain about “kids these days”. Children growing up in this digital age have access to things I could not have even dreamed of when I …

First Timer’s Guide to Picking the Best Cell...

You have probably been dragging your feet about this topic for a while now, but it’s finally time to get your child a cell phone. The age that kids are getting smartphones these days is becoming younger and …

Is This App Safe For Kids?

One thing I love about having parental controls installed on my children’s devices is the fact that if they install an app, they cannot use the app until I specifically allow it. This gives me the necessary time …