Category: Tips

Summer Road Trip Apps Your Kids Will Love

Going on a road trip is almost a right of passage as a kid growing up. Especially in large families when buying multiple plane tickets can get too expensive. Road trips can be extremely boring, and there can …

App Reviews for Parents: Houseparty

There is a new up and coming social platform that kids are downloading and using right now. The app is called Houseparty and is used as a group video chat platform. To give you a brief history of …

Don’t You Trust Me? Explaining to Kids Why Y...

Many parents arrive at the parental control party a little bit late. Perhaps they gave their child a phone, not really understanding the dangers that could be associated with it, and decided after the fact that parental controls needed …

Could Your Kid Be Chatting With Strangers Online?

There are many stories of kids being kidnapped by someone they were chatting with online. One thing is common in these stories, the parents had no idea that interactions between their child and this stranger were even taking …

App Reviews for Parents: Fortnite

Unless your teenagers have been living under a rock, they might be playing, or want to play a game called Fortnite. Previously this game has only been available to play on a PC or Gaming console, but it …

Understanding Why Kids Like The Videos They Watch

Sometimes I feel like sitting in my rocker on my front porch to complain about “kids these days”. Children growing up in this digital age have access to things I could not have even dreamed of when I …

Preparing Your Kids to Reject Pornography

Sadly in the current world we live in, it is not a question about if your child will be exposed to pornography, it is when. According to the American Psychological Association “the average age of first exposure to …

Meals are Sacred (especially Dinner Time)

Put Some Trust in Family Dinner The over-scheduled life is killing us. It chokes out time to be quiet, it chokes out time to be creative, it chokes out time to reflect and evaluate life …and sadly, with …

How To Talk To Your Kids About New Social Media Re...

A while ago my sister came to me desperate to find a way to monitor her teenager’s phone activities. I helped her get something installed and she handed the phones back over to her children. Her daughter immediately …