
Tag: social media

Social Media use by your Child – Start the c...

It can all start with an innocent photo or comment… We live in a world now where Social Media surrounds us and has become an extension of our social lives. Yet, as adults, we don’t seem to know a lot …

About Kik – Gotchas and Tips for Parents

About Kik, another popular messaging app, has always made it clear that they were targeting youth who want to get out from under their parents’ wings. For Kik, youth are the primary focus; […] you have to get …

About Instagram – Gotchas and Tips for Paren...

About Instagram Instagram is a free mobile app that enables its users to share pictures and videos, either publicly or privately via the app. It also allows sharing its posts across a variety of other social networking platforms, such as Facebook, …

Adult Content on Social Media Exists

Adult content is easily accessible on social media sites/apps and in a previous post, we shared a video link that shared some of the impact of violent or adult material a developing brain. Now comes a poll from the UK that shares data …

How to Parent in the Digital Age?

Parenting in the Digital Age is a challenge for our generation of parents. There’s no doubt that technology has become ingrained in our society and we must accept this. Mobile devices are an extension of us now. Children are …

Why my daughter wants a Snapchat account

Children are definitely visual beings and social media apps like Instagram and Snapchat are enabling a world of visual sharing that wasn’t possible even just 4-5 years ago. I previously wrote about why my son wanted an Instagram …

Why my son wants an Instagram account

…and why I’m still saying No (for now) Full disclosure about how we came here… my daughter installed Instagram when she was 12 without our consent, created an account and started using it. My wife did check up on …

Where and How Teens communicate

Realizing time flies and that we have a 12 year old daughter turning 13 in about a month, it was a timely article I read from PEW Research on the subject of where teens spend their time online. I feel …